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Surprise Buys Time: EXTRA 20% Off Is Here!

Kitchen Tune-Up

10% OFF on any new refacing, redoorin gor new custom cabinets up to $1,000!

Product image for Kitchen Tune-Up 10% OFF on any new refacing, redoorin gor new custom cabinets up to $1,000!
Product image for Kitchen Tune-Up 10% OFF on any new refacing, redoorin gor new custom cabinets up to $1,000!

10% OFF on any new refacing, redoorin gor new custom cabinets up to $1,000!


Fine Print

St. Patty's Day Special! 10% OFF on any new refacing, redooring or new custom cabinets up to $1,000!. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Expires 4-14-23. Go to for more coupons.


Serving DuPage & Cook-West Counties
Serving Will/Cook, Cook-Central & Cook-South Counties