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Scarsdale Dental Center

$99 Comprehensive Exam, Full-mouth X-Rays, Child Cleaning & Topical Fluoride. Age 5 & Up. Reg. $493

Product image for Scarsdale Dental Center $99 Comprehensive Exam, Full-mouth X-Rays, Child Cleaning & Topical Fluoride. Age 5 & Up. Reg. $493

$99 Comprehensive Exam, Full-mouth X-Rays, Child Cleaning & Topical Fluoride. Age 5 & Up. Reg. $493


Fine Print

New Patient Child Package $99 comprehensive exam, full-mouth x-rays, child cleaning & topical fluoride. Age 5 & up. Reg. $493. With this coupon. Not valid with any other offer, discount or insurance plan. New patients only. Offered in absence of gum disease. This offer has no cash value. Offer expires 4-21-25.

Scarsdale Dental Center Coupons (5)


1075 Central Park Ave., Suite 200, Scarsdale, NY 10583

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